A PARTNER is an individual or organization that faithfully prays for and sows a seed of their choice in
Marlon Benjamin Ministries on a monthly basis.

You can always be sure that God will bless those
who seek the advancement of His kingdom first.
Marlon Benjamin is also humbly grateful, and
regularly prays for the partners of this ministry.

You partnership helps this ministry continue to
preach the good news of the gospel, see a great harvest of souls brought into the kingdom, and fulfill
its God-given vision to once again demonstrate God's power to a generation that desperately needs it.


According to Luke 8:1-3, Jesus’ ministry had partners who financially supported it’s vision and travelled with Him. The Apostle Paul had ministry partners as well. Many of his evangelistic trips were financed by the Christians in Philippi, and he applauded their dedication to advancing the gospel.

God does not take it lightly when a person connects their finances to His kingdom. Because of their partnership, Paul assured the Philippian church that God would complete the work He began in them and supply all of their needs (Philippians 1:5-6, 4:15-19). As you partner with this ministry, expect the gospel to continue advancing,
your needs to be met and God’s abundant blessings to be in your house!  

Prayerfully consider becoming a partner of MBM today!



Your partnership contributes to extending the reach of the gospel through our YouTube broadcasts, allowing us to impact more people with it. We have even received testimony of someone receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit through a YouTube video. "I'm Saved, Now What?" was also launched through this platform, and  souls are now coming to know Jesus as their Saviour online.


MBM currently feeds 10 children a month through LeSea Global Feed the Hungry, with plans to increase this number. By partnering with us, you contribute not only to the preaching of the gospel but also feeding hungry children around the world.

That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet
of messengers who bring good news!”

Romans 10:15